A blogspot set up as a memorial to my late husband who sadly lost his battle with cancer in June 2008. A superb naturally talented artist with no formal art training of any kind, he was renowned all through the 1960's & 1970's in publications, television and press, Its my aim to bring his work back to the fore again & to share it with other people. Please feel free to contact me through the blogspot or my website www.wildlifeetchings@yahoo.co.uk.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Hi, my name is Agnes Winchcombe & i've set this blogspot up as a memorial to my late husband Leslie Winchcombe who sadly lost his battle with cancer in June 2008. These etchings are a very small sample of his tremendous artwork & the quality and detail in every picture that he did would be hard to better. Leslie had no formal art training of any kind, in fact, the etching came about through his time in the merchant navy where he used to "scratch" out pictures on the back of tobacco tins using just a nail. During the 1960's, Leslie's art really took off, he was featured in many local exhibitions, and newspapers. He was featured on television in the 1970's and the Country Gentleman Magazine used one of his etchings every month for their forewood. We have many cuttings books filled with letters etc from agents, newspaper reviews, and letters from people all over ther world who had requested his etchings. During the 1990's pictures and prints were sold at craft shows but soon after the market began to dry up in the age of digital prints and computers. This is why i want to bring his work to the fore again and share it with other people, it deserves to be seen and admired. Please feel free to contact me via the blog or my e-mail, wildlifeetchings@yahoo.co.uk if you have any queries or just want to see more art. Thank you.